Thank You

6 04 2009

“How can a young person stay pure? By obeying your word.” Psalm 119:9

There is so much going on right now in this moment.

My relationship with Jesus is growing! Praise Him

God is present in Lifepoint church and that is AWESOME! 

This is the biggest week in Lifepoint Church’s history. 

Egg Drop with 30,000 eggs (Plastic of course), Easter Sunday, Crazy Love series. 


I know that the enemy HATES ALL OF US! 

He will not penetrate our hearts, in the name of JESUS, we are saved. 

Thank you for all of the Volunteers in this Church and for the ones here in the office right this moment. 

Lord, you give us so much more than we deserve, THANK YOU! 

Thank you for the intimate Love that only you can give. Lord Purify Me, prepare me, keep me in the center of your will. 

Thank you Lord 

Thank you Lord

Thank you LORD!

Forgiveness & Pressing On

26 03 2009

God is Pouring his love into our hearts by his holy spirit.

I am thankful to Jesus for speaking to us last night.

I am Thankful that we have a “Messy” Church.

I am Thankful that we don’t ever need to hear from one another, we only need to hear from Jesus!

I am Thankful

This Past Sunday’s message; God straight up Brought IT! 

FORGIVENESS is our Message! 

Everybody in our church had the opportunity to nail the passions and desires of their sinful nature (their pasts that Paralyze them) to his cross and crucify them there.  Galatians 5:24 

This message has directed all of our Life Groups this week. We have been able to dive into Pastor Jeff’s message and unpack it and our stories to one another. 

The Mens Life group that I am privileged to be a part of was MOVED BY GOD last night! 

He spoke to us through several guys. Each and every man has been able to “Forgive” themselves and other people they had not yet forgiven or confessed certain things to over the past couple of days leading back to Sunday’s powerful message. 

Now we are Focused on one thing, Pressing On. 

“I press on to possess that perfection for which Christ Jesus first possessed me. No, dear brothers and sisters, I have not achieved it, but I focus on this one thing; Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us”  Philippians 3:12-14

We Press on to Serve Jesus in any way we can by Loving God, Loving Others, & Serving the World! 

I thank Jesus for the movement he is orchestrating around the World, in Wilmington Nc, in Lifepoint Church, in all of our Life Groups and in Me. 

I am hopeful to see Jesus fully restore lives and relationships. 

“Hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His Love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us” Romans 5:5

Worshiping Together

3 03 2009

No Matter where you are, God wants you to Worship. 

Lifepoint is coming off a strong weekend where God delivered a powerful message to us through Pastor Jeff. 

We now have a clear picture of what WORSHIP really is. 

  • Worship is about God…not me.
  • Worship is first private then public.
  • Worship is unifying not divisive.
  • Worship is about giving not getting.
  • Worship is a response.
  • Worship is life.

I have never seen worship like the past two nights. 

Sunday night at our Student event at the Soapbox, around 100 people gathered to celebrate the Love of Jesus. 

We Worshiped through Singing, Praying, Listening, Unifying, and Responding to the word and Presence of God. 

God used leaders and volunteers to speak into the hearts of students. It was powerful!

Students had the opportunity to get plugged into Life Groups. AND THEY DID… Every Single one of them, 76 in all! YEAH YEAH Praise the Lord! 

The Following night, I had the opportunity to meet with our High School Boys down on Carolina Beach. 13 of us guys met up to unite in the name of JESUS. I can’t explain how powerful it was to gather. Constant prayer flowed throughout the night. We had a young man of 23 years share his testimony to our students. He shared with them how he had so much; Surfing sponsors & ranked 6th on the East Coast, Baseball Scholarship to UNCW, Loving friends and Family and he lost most all of it to Drugs and Alcohol. 

He has 10 more days of freedom until he is locked up in Prison for 3-5 years. 

While he was giving his testimony, I began to thank God for using this young mans rough past and present to build the Kingdom of God. Our guys were touched by his story. I believe the guys are all looking at this experience as an opportunity to pray for this young man and to UNITE in Christ! 

After our Life group met, we all headed to another part of Carolina Beach where we played Hide and Seek for an hour and a half or so. IT WAS AWESOME! “Its just good for the soul to run around a play some Hide and Seek” When we were  tired and exhausted, we continued to Worship and huddled together to pray to our GOD and gave him thanks for an unforgettable night. 

Praise The LORD!

Heavenly Thoughts

29 01 2009

Through all of the stuff that we do day-to-day, there can be a lot of distractions. Sometimes i can get a little overwhelmed when I look at my schedule during the week and things don’t go quite as planned. You know life just sometimes gets in the way. I love when things are chaotic and God just throws you in a situation or conversation that makes you stop and realize that its all good and there is so much more  life out there ahead of us.

The other day, I was having one of those days where distractions just kept popping up. However, I had the opportunity to have a meeting with one of my key volunteers who I highly respect. Before we got into the structured agenda that we had planned, we just talked. It seems that every time i speak with this individual, life comes “Alive”

Heaven became our agenda; We began to speak about heaven and what it we thought it might be like. I am sure a lot of people have had this similar conversation. It was geat, but then as we continued to speak about it, something he said changed my perspective of everything we were talking about.

“Can you imagine sitting down with the Apostles and the men and women in the Bible especially Jesus and asking them questions about everything!” he asked.

Peter what was it like to walk on water for a moment and then sink because of your lack of faith.

Abraham, were you really going to sacrifice your own son? I mean were you like just about to kill him and waiting on God to stop you?

Jacob, how did you wait 7 years for Rachel and it only felt like a few days? and then Laban gives you Leah instead of Rachel and you have to wait another 7 years for rachel. I mean what was going on in your mind during that time.

As the two of us continued to speak, I just got more and more excited about life and about eternal life. It was and is amazing the sense of peace that I have when thinking about this. WOW.

I think that now would be a great time to begin writing down all of the questions that I have for these people.

I look forward to seeing all of you in Heaven. Man, It is going to be one Awesome Party!


12 01 2009

So as I was reading James 1 today, I realized that I am God’s SLAVE! um yeah that hit kinda hard. I immediately began to look back over the past several days (because my memory isn’t as good as it should be) and thought of times where I clearly did not act on what God was telling me to do.

The first thing that came to my mind was sitting in the lobby of a Valvoline car shop the other day. I was actively reading my Bible in the lobby all alone. After several minutes went by, an elderly man walked in and sat down near me. shortly after, two women about my mothers age walked in and sat down accross from me. All six of their eyes made contact with mine at one point in time as I was sitting quietly reading this Library of books.

Each one of them were staring at the 12 in television with poor reception  in the upper corner of the room watching the “Ellen” show.

Nobody was conversing at all as I sat there with God’s word in my hands. It was clear, he was speaking to me; start a conversation with these people! No God I don’t want to. I just want to get my Oil changed and get to my meeting about discipling others in Brazil. I just sat there and continued to read and wrestle with God who was clearly telling me to talk to these folks. I just don’t want to! I couldn’t wait to get out of there. Talk about being a Wimp.

That’s pretty hipocritical that I am all excited about going to Brazil to make a difference in lives of people I really won’t see too often or at all but I won’t even talk to the people in my own hometown on a beautiful Friday morning. These People need Jesus Too!

God says in James 1:22-27, “But don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves. For if you listen to the word and don’t obey, it is like glancing at your face in a mirror. You see yourself, walk away, and forget what you look like. But if you look carefully into the perfect law that sets you free, and if you DO what it says and don’t forget what you heard, then God will bless you for doing it. If you claim to be religious but don’t control your tongue, you are fooling yourself, and your religion is WORTHLESS. Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you”

When he tells me to do something, I better get off my butt and Do it. after all as I said above, I am God’s Slave!

1 Year ago Today

15 12 2008

Holy Cow!

A year ago Today, I was walking accross the stage in Myrtle Beach accepting my diploma for Graduation. I graduated with a degree in Business Management and was ready for the “real world”. At this time last year, I was sure that I would go into the RV business and learn all of the different aspects of the dealership so that one day I could run it. Man I sure am glad that God grabbed a hold of my heart before i graduated college. It has been one incredible year to say the least.

Two days after graduation, Pastor Jeff & Pastor Daryl took me out to lunch for what I thought was a “Goodbye” treat. To my amazement, they told me that God had laid it on their hearts that I was supposed to come on staff at Lifepoint. WOW!

This moment changed my life forever.!

Throughout the next several months of work and travel God worked it out in me that I was supposed to move to Wilmington to serve Jesus there. It has been incredible.

God has got me right where he wants me in Wilmington North Carolina serving at Lifepoint Church.

Today as a staff, we got the awesome priveledge of serving a catered lunch to the faculty and staff over at Sunset Park Elementary. It is amazing how God brought Lifepoint Church and Sunset together. As of this fall, we have partnered up with the school to start a mentoring program where volunteers of our church go to the school and spend time with the students and pour out their positive influence on these kids. On top of that we have been blessed enough to provide christmas presents to over 16 families in the school who otherwise would be without presents under the tree. And like I stated earlier, we get to build relationships with the faculty over there by serving them in any way possible. They work so hard to reach out to these amazing children.

Today is a Great Day to BE ALIVE!

The Wise Man Will Calm Anger

9 12 2008

Wow! It has been approximately 10 months since I have written a blog. I feel that God has layed it on my heart to begin writing so that my life can be more easily shared with others.

So here we GO!

I want to begin my new ministry with sharing some of the infinite things God has blessed me with.

Jesus, The Holy Spirit, Faith, Family, Lifepoint Church, Health, Energy, Home ( the United States of America), Clothing, Travel, Friends (young and Old), Joy, Enthusiasm, Brothers & Sisters in Christ, Leadership, Scripture, Books, Reading, Education, Teachers/Mentors, Understanding and examples of Love, Inspiration, Encouragement, & Challenges.

These are only a few of the infinite things that God has blessed me with and I pray that this list Grows and Grows.

I believe that as I continue to remind myself of this abundant life that God has given to me, I will celebrate. “The more often we celebrate, The more we have to Celebrate” So many times in my life I have been angry over simple little things. This anger has sometimes harmed myself and others. I don’t want to live that way. I want to bring Joy to others and be a positive, encouraging, inspiration to others. I know that Life will be so much more abundant living this way, Dang! God is Good… All The Time!

Ireland and France Through My Eyes

30 01 2008

WOW Europe is absolutely amazing. Right now Greg and I are in Paris France staying with our friends Blake and Nick. We began our adventure in Dublin Ireland and met some of the nicest and most outgoing people ever. The Irish will go out of their way to give you directions when you are lost, (which was quite often the first couple of days). They also love carrying on a conversation at a Pub or in the street. Dublin is a small city that most definitely knows how to have a good time, especially on the weekends. We made some friends our first night who told us a couple of places to go outside the city. So our third day there we got on St. Kevin’s Bus “of course I had to throw that in there” and headed to GLENDELOUGH, an area in the countryside about an hour and a half outside of the city where two lakes converged between gorgeous mountains. We took an 8 km. hike up and down one of the mountains and caught several breathtaking sights. We met some really cool girls on the bus and hiked with them all day. I believe that my favorite thing so far about all of Europe is the fact that we have made new friends every place we go. We have hung out with people from Norway, Sweeden, Germany, France, USA (all over), Ireland, England, Croatia, and Mexico City. I made an Indian friend yesterday from Bangladesh who was selling scarfs and bags on the street. Greg and I were waiting outside the Laundry mat and of course we had to buy a scarf for Greg. The Laundry Mat itself was an experience. When you are trying to operate a machine in a country where you understand maybe 8 words in their language and you have to read directions how to use the washer and pay for it, it can be rather difficult. So 10 minutes of Greg, Nick, and I staring at the machine, a kind French woman came over and just did it for us. Thank the Lord that body language is universal. Yesterday evening I believe was the most relaxing evening I have had in a long long time. We cooked dinner in the boys apartment and shared a nice bottle of Red. “Ok it was more than one bottle”. Then we chilled out and digested for a while and just talked. An hour or so later we hit the streets of Paris and walked a couple of miles around town. We saw th Eifel Tower from a distance all lit up, we walked around Notre Dam, and walked down the Sin River. It was awesome!!!! I hope that you all enjoy reading this blog. Now I am going to attempt to post a few pictures to give you an idea of what I have been talking about. I hope you all have a blessed and safe day.

One Love;
